Synthetrix Music Videos
I touched on the subject of videos in my last post. I have made five of them to date. Home made and low budget. This first image is from the video for "Thievery Road", a song from the fourth Synthetrix album, The Blue Moon Room. It was made using footage I shot on a solo camping trip in the local mountains in 2000 (yawn).

This next screenshot is from the video for the song, "Steppin With Steve". It was made by tweaking a slideshow program, using the images I wanted to go with the song and then recording and editing the results. It's a parody of Apple's "1000 Songs" TV commercials. Most of the individual images are of Anaheim motel postcards, which you can see in more detail here. The long lost Steve is seen briefly as well. This and the next three videos' songs are all from the latest album, Operation Happiness.

The next two images are from videos that I made using some experimental Super 8mm films that I had done in the early to mid 1980s. Recycle of die baby.
"WKs" features more imagery from Anaheim. There is a great time lapse driving sequence from Anaheim to Santa Ana and back in this video. A time machine window back to 1984.

"Cooties", is a short song and video that is a montage of subliminal imagery, that flashes before your eyes as the droning sounds unfolds. Did you have your cooties shot?

This last image is from the video for "Banbridge '71". That's yours truly, popping a wheelie after barreling down the hilly street my family lived on back then. I am wearing a navy blue suit with red socks. This photo was taken either before or after church on a Sunday. My parent's '68 Pontiac LeMans is seen in the driveway. The bike I am riding was an antifreeze green, Huffy Dragster, with banana seat, ape hangers and a Firestone slick tire on the back. They don't make 'em like that anymore.
